“GEM Keep it cool™ is amazing! One drink once a day. How simple can that be?” - Marie Osmond

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A Toast to Womankind™

We’d like to make a toast to Womankind™ – and spread positive energy to women around the world. Let’s drink to our health and nourish our feminine spirit, our strength and our beauty. Let’s celebrate our common bond, our unique physical and emotional traits that only we can ever truly understand. It’s time to use that Self-awareness for the greater good – so we can encourage women everywhere to be at their best, with utmost confidence and pride in everything it means to be female.

We believe…women and men are not created equal.

Biologically speaking, of course. Women function differently. Our bodies are curvy. We can wear high heals without falling down. We are more likely to carry tissues to a romantic comedy. We love who we are, and we love products that are made with us in mind.

We believe…in a stronger shade of pink.

We’ve seen it a million times – take a product for men, turn it pink, and sell it back to us. We’re not buying it anymore. We want to go beyond those girlie stereotypes, into the inner strength of women. Not muscle and brawn, but boldness and conviction. That is, without the man bashing stuff.

We believe…to look good is to feel good.

A flattering haircut, a stylish new outfit, going down a size…these things really do make a difference. They can turn a day from normal to outstanding. This isn’t about being shallow, but about inspiring confidence. About using fashion as a means of self-expression. We prefer to drink something that not only tastes great, but also speaks to our great taste.

We believe…there’s nothing like a natural high.

Feeling alive, vibrant and energized doesn’t have to be rocket science. In fact, we think overdosing our bodies with chemicals and other stimulants can do more harm than good. The right balance of all natural healthy ingredients can produce an even better effect… one that elevates our spirits, and keeps them there.

We believe…in the reward of a healthy choice.

We’ll admit, sometimes that piece of chocolate cake is exactly what we need. But the healthy choices we make can be more rewarding. The great feeling after a run or workout, the smile you get after being kind to a stranger. This isn’t about making sacrifices, but about proactively choosing to be healthy and feel great.

We believe…in Womankind™!