“GEM Keep it cool™ is amazing! One drink once a day. How simple can that be?” - Marie Osmond

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Marie Osmond

Marie Osmond has been an iconic figure since her national debut at the age of three. From her #1 hit “Paper Roses” to the currently sold out crowds at the Flamingo Showroom in Las Vegas, Marie’s energy, humor, and sincerity have allowed her to be a successful women in the entertainment business for over four decades. With successful ventures such as her “Marie Osmond Dolls”, Sewing Machines and the “Marie Lifestyle Collection” under her belt, Marie’s continued enthusiasm has followed her into the business world. Her belief and commitment to the products she endorses have provided us with an un- compromising champion of the brand and we are clearly grateful to her for all of her efforts. We greatly value Marie Osmond as a "Friend of "GEM!

For more info on Marie, please visit her at:

Marie on GEM Keep it Cool

December 16, 2009


“Millions of women are starting to seek alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy. I was one of them. I found my solution with GEM Keep it Cool. I won’t endorse anything I can’t fully believe in. I know Keep It Cool has worked for me….